Mplus is a latent variable modeling program. Model output generated from Mplus can be imported into R and manipulated using the MplusAutomation package. MplusReadR extends on MplusAutomation by making it easier to compile the output from multiple Mplus output files into tidy datasets, and to manipulate these to create APA-style html tables.
To get started with MplusReadR, download the following:
# Install and load devtools from CRAN
# Install MplusReadR from Github
In general it is not necessary to update to the most recent version of listed packages (if this message is displayed) though you may wish to do so if there are issues installing the package.
The latest version of MplusReadR can be installed by re-running install_github("d-vanos/MplusReadR")
There are two components to MplusReadR. The first is a set of functions which have been custom-made for a project known as Dejonckheere (2019). These all start with ‘dejon’, and can only be used for this project. The second is a set of functions which are based off those created for the ‘dejon’ project, but these can be used more widely across different types of Mplus output. These functions all start with ‘mplus’.
Each set of functions has its own tutorial. To get started, check out this tutorial.
If you are having trouble downloading the package, try the following options:
MplusReadR was built on R version 4.0.3, and depends on R version 2.10 or above. To update R, follow these instructions.
If you get an error similar to this when attempting to install MplusReadr:Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called 'reshape2'
Try installing these packages individually. For example, install.packages("reshape2")
If the suggestions above do not fix the issue, try installing Rtools for Windows or Xcode for Mac.